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Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Call or Text 988

If you need suicide or mental health crisis support, or are worried about someone else, please call or text 988.

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South Washington County Schools provides a range of school behavioral and mental health supports. Mental health staff include school counselors, psychologists and social workers.

Some mental health areas of expertise for licensed support services include:

  • Bullying prevention
  • Collaboration with community-based services
  • Conflict resolution/mediation
  • Crisis intervention and support
  • Supporting student academic and social emotional needs
  • Referrals for specialized services (Special Education Evaluations)
  • Short-term individual and group support around student needs
  • Support to homeless families
  • Suicide prevention
  • Attendance/Truancy support as needed
  • Staff/parent collaboration
  • Staff training to support mental health/socio/emotional/behavioral skills in students


Erin McKoy

Erin McKoy
Director of Special Services

Resources for Families

living online podcast

Children and young adults are living in a world their parents could never have imagined. From the constant connection of social media to the immediate availability of information and goods online, the way children live and learn is changing. All of these changes are impacting mental health. SoWashCo Schools, a school district of nearly 19,000 students in suburban Minnesota, is starting a conversation about what these changes mean for their students, families and communities.

Throughout this four-part series, we’ll cover the ways technology and social media have changed education, what it is like to be a student today, the benefits and risks of living online, the community partnerships that are building support for children and young adults, and how you can take action to empower and educate your child live a happier, healthier life.

Episode 1: A Changing Landscape

Episode 2: A Student's Reality

Episode 3: When Online Goes Offline

Episode 4: Partnerships That Last